Professional lawyers with wide professional expertise
With NM Lawyers you can achieve all your goals.

Over 10 years of experience
Experts in all areas of law with the main focus on client´s satisfaction.

Our awards
Decorated with more than 10 domestic and world awards.
that You
can trust
NM Regional Law Firm has been working since its establishment to build a quality management system in order to provide its clients with the highest quality services effectively and efficiently in the fastest period of time. Within the quality management system, we have a clearly defined mission, vision and our corporate values, which serve us as guiding stars in business.
Effective legal advice
Professional legal representation
Proven results
Business policy of the NM Regional Law Firm
In its work, the NM Regional Law Firm aims to achieve the highest world standards in the practice of the legal profession, in that sense, the complete organization, systematization and work of our Law Firm are organized and dedicated to achieving this goal. All employees in accordance with the work they perform equally must be informed and acquainted with this business policy and with all the procedures of work in our firm. One of the adopted achievements is that older employees dedicate part of their time to training and transferring corporate culture and business policy to younger employees, and that they have assistance in accepting goals and easier management according to the procedures that the office achieves.
In terms of achieving the goals, the office will inform in time and inform all its employees about them. The hierarchy of positions within the law office is formed vertically, where each employee has the obligation to take care of the work and quality of work of the employee who is hierarchically below him, to simultaneously address all ideas and suggestions to the employee who is hierarchically in front of him.
All employees of the office should strive for continuous training through formal education as well as through additional seminars and courses both in the country and abroad, whereby in the internal agreement in the office special financial resources will be allocated so that employees can receive additional training.
The training plan and proposals, as well as the professional development funds that the office will allocate, will be determined by the older employees in the office. Special attention in the work of NM Law Firm is paid to the quality of work and improvement of relations with clients, interpersonal relations within the office as well as relations with state bodies, as well as all associates and organizations and companies with which the office cooperates. In that sense, it is necessary to take special care and be aware of the need to further nurture and improve the relations that the office builds with the mentioned persons. It is very important that offices enable employees to feel comfortable, accepted and useful in their work and that at the same time they can identify with the values and work of NM lawyers, in which the personal initiative of the employee to improve the way the office works serves as a special instrument.
Professionalism & Commitment
It is good to know that you have legal aid that you can always rely on to the maximum. You are safe with us. Welcome to the NM Regional Law Firm.
Cliens who choose us over again
Clients who recommended us
Increase of the casescompared to the last 3 years
Successfully solved cases
Meet Out
The strength of our team is, above all, the applied professional knowledge from all legal fields, many years of experience and the world practice that we apply, focusing on the maximum satisfaction of our clients.


Marko M. Kovač

Marija A. Žilić